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Showing posts from December, 2021

Forget the Horror Here…

First, some quick updates: It’s been a while since I’ve written a post - to be fair, I have had a bit (read: a lot) of time on my hands over the past few weeks, but I’ve spent most of my creative energy in trying to complete a poem I’ve been working on for a while. It hasn’t quite come out as I intended it to yet, but I’ve been feeling for a while I should start writing here a bit more regularly, and this post is but a result of that.  To those who know me well, it’s no secret that listening to music is something I enjoy very much. Quite a large chunk of my day is spent with headphones over my ears and me de-stressing with some familiar tunes to keep me company. Although my music tastes vary over time, there are some songs which I just feel like I have a special connection with - which just seem to tug at the heartstrings a little more. I associate these songs with certain moments and experiences, and I feel as though they carry some kind of deeper meaning in the context of my life...